Before, timing follow ups was always a guessing game. Through Valuecase we know EXACTLY when to reach out and ask if they need help or are ready to sign.
Define all the recurring tasks, necessary documents, pricing rules, onboarding instructions, and everything you need to ensure both the sales and onboarding process go as smoothly as possible.
“With Valuecase, you have full control over your company narrative. Sales know EXACTLY what messages to send when. And that contributes to a fantastic customer experience."
The Valuecase team went above and beyond training all our reps. We saw 90% adoption right away, even with a 20+ sales team!
They start with a template but still can customise everything to the tiniest detail, including:
Out of the first 5 spaces I created, I closed 4 of the opportunities, and the engagement was through the roof.
Sync Valuecase activity, get deeper reporting, and jump from CRM to Valuecase seamlessly.
Create and access spaces directly from Hubspot, sync all activity, and simplify space management.
Use our Public API to integrate with any system or CRM you use to streamline workflows.